Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Grace, A Conversation With God



This short but powerful film is a contemporary view of what God would say to a struggling Christian. There are many temptation that challenges us every day. I have seen so many fall away from God and walk straight into  the enemies arms. The word of God is power. There should be some  sense of power , hope, and love in our walk with God. Being backslidden has become a “grey” word among many believers.  Many think that it is okay with “I  do what I want  and sin as long as I  go to church, tithe, or pray every now  and then”. Walking with  God is more than that. When you really get to know him.. he is addictive. I try to write  straight truth and not every judge anyone for  whatever state they are in  their walk. We are all at different places on our journey of salvation. The word salvation mean to be recused.  We all must grow and mature in our own personal relationship with God. That mean  allowing God to grow us in Christ to learn his way and yield to that work in our lives so we can comfort , love, and share him  with others.  Only God know how to get us each at that place to be  whom we should be in Christ. It is an journey! I ran across this film and though it really speaks to having an honest talk with  God.. We are saved by his grace



Monday, April 29, 2013

Teddy had a an Operation…

Bankoboev_Ru_plyushevyi_medvedSome times you can run across the most amazing but random things on YouTube. I am child at heart. My love for children books, art, and culture is ageless. My studio motto is “ Art for the Whimsical child in you”. This video is for adults but also a child that can comprehend I think the concept of  love and insight we have for teddy bear. After you watch the  video You may agree or disagree… but one thing is for sure it gonna make you think! Teddy  had a an operation!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Man’s Cotton


The Man's Cotton

“Sometimes you got to hurt something to help something. Sometimes you have to plow under one thing in order for something else to grow.”
Ernest Gaines

Bloodline by Ernest Gaines is one of my favorite literary masterpieces. His work has inspired my writing and my art for over the past 32 years.  I have read almost every book he has written. Gaines gave me such great insight into the life on the plantations, and about sharecropping following the reconstruction of America after the Civil War.

I once read a book by Earl Ofari Hutchinson called, “The Mugging of Black America” that discussed the colonization of Blacks during and after the reconstruction period. The evils of slavery followed them back to the land they were set free on. They became sharecroppers. The Jim Crow laws sanctioned the arrest and injustices of many Blacks causing them to work off debts, offenses, and incarceration for trumped up charges.  This colonization created a systematic recycling of poverty down South. Sharecropping was a fancy name for the new plantation life.

Many Blacks found themselves generation after generation inheriting the hatred, discrimination, and disenfranchisement in American life. The vulnerability of Blacks being set free from slavery without any assistance or formal organized national help in recovery, created century long problems. Many organized efforts were not funded or sustained to be effective.

The reconstruction of America was the rebuilding of White wealth. The “40 Acres and a Mule” idea first presented by General Sherman was never fulfilled by the US government in totality. Sherman created this proposal for Blacks to receive land and a mule in Georgia after his victorious march. There was great opposition. Also the change in presidency following Lincoln’s assassination, further the delay of true reconstruction.  Andrew Johnson did not agree with Lincoln’s position on equality and a united states. His policy destroyed any attempt at disassembling racism. There was great resistance to giving a better life than slavery to Blacks. There were over 44,000+ that did receive land assistance. However many of these farmers’ land was taken away, or lost through the system.

The Jim Crow laws of 1876 were designed to keep Blacks behind the starting line in America’s economy. Land ownership worldwide has always equaled power. The ownership of land for Blacks,  if the contract for land had been  fulfilled, would have empowered the Black community. The state of Black America today in crisis might look a lot different if true provision and equality had been put in place.

Sharecroppers across America White, Native American, and Black have diverse stories of their conditions on the new plantation. Whites, Blacks, and Native Americans who were poor during the reconstruction experienced the despair of poverty from this lifestyle. For Blacks and Native Americans the degrees of injustice was more deeply felt and destructive. Many Black families struggled for education, good health care, food, and shelter. The sharecropping lifestyle was hard work with very little pay. For many they owed the landlords great debts that were rigged to keep them from ever paying them off. It was set up for a new system of slavery. Keeping constant alcohol, drugs, and crime in Black communities ensured the returning of guaranteed workers. Many men would get arrested and have to pay off their debt by working more years on the land. The chain gangs that existed during this time were geared toward keeping warm bodies working the land also.

The economy in America today still reflects the struggle of having enough to pay off your bills and live comfortably. The modern-day sharecroppers sitting in corporate America, sometimes behind cubicles are trying to make life work with just enough to get by, paycheck to paycheck. Our fields have become the stone, brick, and steel buildings of prosperity of the wealthy, and rich in America.

The lifestyle of sharecropping was engraved in poverty. It made sure those victimized by the plantation would stay on the plantation. Many had to escape late at night to avoid retaliation from land owners. The land owners kept false books on the tenants to ensure that the records showed a constant unbalanced state of payment. A state of financial bondage that was very difficult to break free from. In the meanwhile, Blacks were met with lynching, murders, killings, and racism throughout the South. It was very hard life.

I honor those who survived to live and tell the truth about the great reconstruction’s effects on the Black family. There was no great reward or privileges in sharecropping. You and your children worked the earth for almost nothing. The Mississippi Delta was the King of cotton during slavery. Following slavery it still became key in cotton production. It also became a brutal place for Blacks to live and die. The White man’s cotton has been the Black man’s burden.

On our blog we will post more about the lifestyle of sharecropping in America. It was not that long ago that it was key factor of labor for Blacks in America. The effects of it can still be seen in the American landscape. The effects it had on the generations before and the ones to come who will be birthed from that poverty and racism on the new plantations. Recently the Black farmers won the lawsuit against America for 1.15 billion dollars for discrimination by the US Department of Agriculture. They still have not been paid what is due. When America will justice be served? http://www.Blacksfarmers.org/news.html


I have created works of art from old photos of Black life and Black history. I will always paint sharecroppers and the lynchings that took place throughout the land. I hope to create art that conveys the stories about the Black hands that dug into the earth and looked to the skies for mercy. Their story is a part of my story. Their voice in my art… is my passion.

The white fields of cotton have reaped the souls of Black men and Black women. It is through God’s grace that they walked, ran, leaped, and flew away. Some left in wooden boxes. And there are those who left who became historical legends in the Black community. We are because of all, all, all of them….




Also an Interview with Gaines on “A Lesson Before Dying”

The Ghost in The Darkness


Throwback! This 1996 movie is full of so many spiritual revelations. When I first watched the movie, I had to sit back and think about all the spiritual insights I gained from it. I shared this movie with several pastors who literally preached sermons on the film. It is a much watch.

The movie stars Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas, and Henry Cele. The movie is a true story of two lions in Africa that killed many people. The film is about the hunting for the two lions that were killing people . The film is really not about the hunt for the lions, but about the lions’ hunt for Val Kilmer because he was the main person who was sent to build a bridge. That is a deep insight into spiritual battles. It seems that when you have something to do in life, a purpose or call, your battle is hard. I won’t give away the whole film, but one of the highlights was when they went to kill the lions during the day. Val Kilmer had switched guns with the camp doctor. When they got into the wild, the lions appeared. One lion faced off with Val. His gun jams. Michael Douglas had to shoot at the lion to stop it from killing Val. He scolded him and asked him why did he freeze up and not shoot. Val Kilmer explained that it was not his gun and that the gun jammed. Michel Douglas said that you should never take someone else’s weapon into battle. I thought about how in the church we expect everybody to be alike and fight the same. God has given us all ways to uniquely fight with the weapons we have, gifts, and talents to win the battles we face in life. When you are building bridges for others….. you are a dangerous opponent for your enemy. (Janie McGee)


God has made us so gifted and unique that those abilities are weapons of warfare for our victories and others! We face off with lions daily: on the job, at home, at church, and in our businesses. We are equipped for battle! We have a purpose to fulfill. We should fight with what we are given and not try to be like others in battle. Check out the clip below. You can watch the movie on YouTube. There is so much to share about this film I will write more about it soon!










In March 1898 the British started building a railway bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya. The project was led by Lt. Col. John Henry Patterson. During the next nine months of construction, two maneless male Tsavo lions stalked the campsite, dragging Indian workers from their tents at night and devouring them. Crews tried to scare off the lions and built campfires and bomas of thorn fences around their camp for protection to keep the maneaters out, but to no avail. The lions crawled through the thorn fences. After the new attacks, hundreds of workers fled from Tsavo, halting construction on the bridge. Patterson set traps and tried several times to ambush the lions at night from a tree. After repeated unsuccessful endeavors, he shot the first lion on December 9, 1898. Three weeks later, the second lion was found and killed. The first lion killed measured nine feet, eight inches (3 m) from nose to the tip of its tail. It took eight men to carry the carcass back to camp. The construction crew returned and completed the bridge in February 1899. The exact number of people killed by the lions is unclear. Patterson gave several figures, claiming that there were 135 victims.
Note: Val Kilmer played the character of bridge builder John Henry Patterson. Michael Douglas played the character of noted game hunter Charles Remington

You Can Come Out Now!

“10 Now the priests who carried the ark remained standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything the Lord had commanded Joshua was done by the people, just as Moses had directed Joshua. The people hurried over, 11 and as soon as all of them had crossed, the ark of the Lord and the priests came to the other side while the people watched. 12 The men of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over, ready for battle, in front of the Israelites, as Moses had directed them. 13 About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the Lord to the plains of Jericho for war. 14 That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses. 15 Then the Lord said to Joshua, 16 “Command the priests carrying the ark of the covenant law to come up out of the Jordan.” 17 So Joshua commanded the priests, “Come up out of the Jordan.” Joshua 4:10-17

2813588899_d22163cfc0I remember when God first revealed this passage to me in 2004. My family was homeless in 2004. We had lost almost everything. We stayed on Christian campground in Maryland. My husband was waiting for a job to open. He was working temporary job in Arlington, Va. My son and daughter were both struggling also during this time. My son stayed in Baltimore with friends. Our daughter was with us on the campground. We were all eating about one meal a day to survive. I had prayed for God to help us get through these time. My hope and spirit were broken. I was sitting at the lake on the ground and I was reading the journey Joshua had taken with the children of Israelites. Many years before he was commission by God through Moses to lead them through the wilderness. Following Moses death Joshua had to get them through the final stretch to the promise land. It had been 40 years. It took 40 years to make an 11-day journey to the promise land. The 40 years were their time of testing, knowing God and God raised up an army of a new generation to take the promise land. Sometimes when you get to the promise of God, you still have a battled ahead. The battle may be hard, but you have been promise the victory in Jesus Christ! You have been prepared for war with the promise of victory.

As I sat there reading, I thought about the fact that it was second time God had parted the water for them. The first time it was at the Red Sea with Moses. The new generation in the wilderness had not experience for themselves the power of God at the Red Sea. The first time God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape the Pharaoh. The second time on their journey, he parted the river with the power of his word in the water – The Ark of the Covenant! The water and the word made a path for them to cross the Jordan. The Jordan River is one of most vibrant quick moving rivers on the earth. The water has strong turbulence and moves very swift. God holds back the stormy water in our lives with his word! The priest walked into the water holding the Ark. The Ark’s gracious power held back the water on both sides. The water stays up stream as they crossed. It is amazing to see the symbolism that God can hold back the trouble ups stream as we cross to do his will. Our family crosses over as we hold up the word of God in prayer!

Every one crossed the Jordan and God told Joshua to get 12 twelve’s stone to mark what he had done for them. God had led them safely to the promise land. There are places in our live when we have to build altars or stones. The healing he has done that did not take us out is a stone. There are times he spared us from accident and death, that is a stone. The many times he had provided when we have nothing less, and that is a stone! In our lives, we have many stones that marked God that has been virtuous on our behalf. Sometime it is good with great thanks in your heart, to recall the stones in your life and just say “Thank you!” Those are really moments of “BUT God!” we can reflect on!

God told Joshua to tell the Priest that they can come out. Joshua commanded the priest to come out of the Jordan. These are day coming in June when God is saying to many “You can come out now!”.

art-salvador-daliThat day when I was sitting at the lake as I read this. The Lord told me to wait until I heard him say in the days and weeks to come, that I could come out now. A few days later as I sat back on the rock at the lake, I was watching a fish jump quickly out of the still water. The Lord spoke to my spirit audible and said “You can come out now”. I began to weep with joy! During our stay at the campground we taught bible study and prayed for several people that got filled with the Holy Spirit. We were still preaching the gospel in the midst of trial. We had very little money and I was not sure how we would come out. In faith, I stared looking for a house in Arlington, Virginia near Ramon's new Job. Arlington is one of the most expensive place to live near DC. Nevertheless, I had heard from God. He would provide. I found a house to rent. We had bad credit, but we found favor. We moved in the following week into our rental house. A friend with a trucking business brought our thing in storage from Ohio. God kept blessing is with favor and restoring us. It took several month and more battles, but we had the victory. I ended up exhibiting art at the National Women Congress a few month later where I met Rosa Parks. My husband was hired a great salary at his company. My daughter Jasmine attended one of the best school and excelled. And our son Jamile(whom was cripples at 9 and healed of Arthritis miraculous a few in 1991) at 19 years old made it to the finals in third place on the first season of “ So You Think You Can Dance”.

In June, I really believe that for many they are season of struggles that is ending. I know our family has been through 6 months of battles this year that has been hard. I can sense we are not the only ones that have come through some recent storms. You are coming close to the day for God to bring you out. As they came out of the Jordan River on the east side, they faced many more battles. However, the Lord hands gave them victory in every battle they faced. We are tested by God, but not tempted. We are tired, but not destroyed. God has a way through Jesus of bring us through the storm and journey we all face in this life. I listen for the lord to let me know when I could come out. Sometimes we want to pray our way out or fast our way out. Sometimes we want to beg our way or cry our way out. However, there is a day of restoring coming as God say in your spirit with bold love and grace, “You can come out now.” It is important, as you come forth that, you do not land where you started. The Israelites landed on the other side of the Jordan. Where were you land? In the same relationship? In the same house? In the same depression? In the same temptation? In the same prayer life? In the same bitterness or regrets? Or in the same trials that you started with in your wilderness. Come out in a new land! Come out with new worship. Come out with new hope. Come out with new strength. Come out with joy. But whatever you do… come out and come forth!

1269333373_1680x1050_sunflower-watercolor-wallpaperLet God arise on the other side. What God has for you is greater than the trials you have faced. What Jesus want to share with you is greater than the voice of despair in you trials. Take some time to day to listen to him and let him reveal to you why you went through in the first place. What was God plan for you? Listen for him to tell in the days and week to come, that you can come out now. Watch him restore you and build you up in a new hope. Your trial was not in vain. God know what he is doing. He never said we would not go through things, but he promise to be there for us! He is here. Jesus is alive and well! Jesus is Lord over all you have been through. I hope the next few days and week you seek his face and listen. Let the tears dry up and the sorrow turn to praise. He has a plan for you. It was hard but you survive. You are greater than your trials. It is not about getting money or giving seed offering to get blessing by God, it is about your relationship with Jesus. It is about you being his child and him loving you to work his will in your life for your good. He is building character in you. He is letting you see how great his love for you is. How? He brought you through! June is a time of coming out of the Jordan in your life and seeing God walk you to your promise land. You can come out…… now!

Zazzle.. Creating Products into Art!


My Studio!

little liza new 2013 best2

I have been a on zazzle.com for the last few years. At first I admit I really didn’t take the site serious I was looking for new ways to approach my desire to sell art as product. But the last year or so I have seen my sells go up some. Thanks to many encouraging folks on Facebook. It has been rewarding. I have watched the site transform into new products and increasedesignallCAP3TNTS in size. It has been a real blessing being on the winning side of their new progress. Check out my store on zazzle and some of the customized product I have created. I have just began. OM a weekly bases I will be adding new art and product to my store site on zazzle. The prices are good and they offer coupons and sale daily! You can always find a good deal. I designed some customer stamps and a cup for my sister. that she wanted for a friend. Her friend loves the stamps and order several sets. It was great to see the products bring a smile to someone face. I have not even began to touch the surface in the design I want to create. I am also hoping to upload this summer handmade craft which I will feature on my Esty account coming soon! Little Liza Jane – Art for whimsical child in you!


Breast Cancer Month… Pink Diva Art!

Pink Diva Ribbon

Over the last 7 years I started experimenting with different styles of art. I create art that is fine art, illustrative, and whimsical. The whimsical art seems to sell better during these hard times in the economy. I really appreciate the positive responses that I have received from my clients to the simplistic style of my art. The Church Lady Series is an example of that style. I created this series about 7 years ago when I was producing my own greeting card line. As usual I was never able to get the line picked up by a major company. I started printing and producing the cards myself. My biggest client was my mother Louise Dillard who went home with the Lord. My father Robert Dillard who also went home to heaven, enjoyed the cards.

I wanted to produce a line of whimsical art that showed women who were different shapes, heights, and shades. I started with a small watercolor design of women praising God in a line. My faith is key to a lot of the art I created. I am an unchurched Christian with a strong faith. I try really hard to be the church in how I handle life and people.pk2 That’s a story for another day. I have been very disappointed with the church, but not Jesus. So this series is my way of preaching love, strength, and beauty to women. The women are African American, but there is a sense of humanity in my art that goes beyond color. It is about unity, faith, and happiness. I was told once by my mentor Thomas Blackshear to always create art that is beautiful. I lived in Colorado Springs many years ago. I met Thomas when I worked at an art supply store. We became friends. He mentored me for about two years. He became a dear friend. His encouragement in doing what God has called me to do has helped me a lot.

PynkDivas Prayer (2)A few months ago two of the Church Lady designs were purchased by Ohio State University’s diversity program. The art was used in support of Black Women Breast Cancer survivors. It is a real honor to know my art is helping a great cause. Many years ago I hand painted Tea Pots for a Black Women’s Breast Cancer Survivor group in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have a new line called Pink Diva artwork I am working on to really impact the cause of Black Women Breast Cancer Survivors. I hope the series continues to inspire and help heal those who have come through such medial difficulties.


This series is still growing with more illustrations to be added. I have had great responses from the public online about the series, so I hope to develop it more. Church Lady is a vibrant colorful whimsical expression of the pain, joy, faith, and encouragement to keep your the hopes high every day. Hope you enjoy this short slide show of some of the artworks from the series! I am working on a Church Lady Book for the Fall 2011. More to come!

To Buy prints go to Fine Art America, click below! Great lo pricesLogoFineArtAmerica2008

Komen House in Columbus Using Art:

Grantee Spotlight
In an effort to reduce the health disparity in breast cancer among African American women, the Sister Screen Saver program through the James Cancer Hospital at The Ohio State University, aims to provide on-site mobile mammography screening services at local community churches and use culturally tailored information to educate African American women about breast cancer prevention and early detection. Learn more »


Komen House in Columbus Using Art:

Grantee Spotlight
DSC_3439.jpgIn an effort to reduce the health disparity in breast cancer among African American women, the Sister Screen Saver program through the James Cancer Hospital at The Ohio State University, aims to provide on-site mobile mammography screening services at local community churches and use culturally tailored information to educate African American women about breast cancer prevention and early detection. Learn more »