Saturday, July 27, 2013

Timing….True Warfare



There are many books written about spiritual warfare, and the books I have read outline the aggressive and real attacks of the enemy in our lives. I have read( and have written) about the subject in depth over the years.

dachshund-wallpaper_1024x768Recently, I was praying about the attack on my family and had a profound word from God concerning the real attacks on our lives as defined by spiritual warfare. I was surprised, but convinced, that this word from God was very true. The Lord placed in my heart that true warfare in life is time.

I know that may sound strange, but time is one of the biggest battle we face and it is the height of spiritual warfare in our lives.

old_buildings_hdr-wallpaper-1366x768God uses time for our lives to outline his destiny for all mankind. Space is time. Music is time. Living life is time. Dying is time. The battle we face with the enemy is time being slowed down and time speeding up. The warfare we face is timing. We lose and win daily. When you look in the bible at the battles in the  Old Testament,  all the great battle that were  fought were fought with timing in minds. From Moses we see the battles  timed by 400 years and then he was called  for that task of the great Exodus. Moses was  appointed to speak to the  Pharaoh about letting God’s people go. During his 8th t visit to the king he even told him I knew he was not going to listen but would ask one more time for the release of the people. It was timing. When the 10th event took place… it was time. Moses knew that before that had happen because he was on a time table with God. When they reached the Red sea it was  timed just right for the Pharaoh's men to cross after they had crossed. The men lost their lives. It was a battle tragedy based upon timing

The walls of Jericho fell of  God's perfect timing. The release of Jonah from the darkness of the earth and the fish was timing. The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ was God's perfect timing.


But push forward into your life. Timing has given you the victory and losses in your life. When our children our born we pray for their day of birth to be healthy. It is the enemy roles to push back time or to speed it up. Disease is caused by timing. The body can lose the battle by not having enough to fight or the disease spread quickly due to timing, which can cause the body to fail. The mind slows down in time and memory lose due to age  sets in.

The timing of being at the wrong place at the wrong time is warfare. The timing of doing something too soon can cause warfare. The timing of relationship can mean waiting too long for marriage or getting married too quick  or not at all.  Life is a constant battle of spiritual warfare through timing.


Jesus was timed when we all needed it to transform the history of mankind to get from BC to AD. It is amazing that in the timing of the world when Jesus showed up, his appearance in  time gave  advancement of moving  all mankind in knowledge forward. Just the presence of him in this earth and  God’s knowledge touch the earth. From that encounter the earth had with God through Jesus Christ we have the invention, gifting, and revelations this day forward. His timing was fought with battles;Herod tried to kill him to stop his time on earth. Jesus was resurrected at the perfect  time, and through him we have the victory over timing. We Have eternal life! Time is spiritual warfare.

We have the Holy Spirit to guide us to all truth. The Holy Spirit guides us  on being  in the place we need to be for the times in our life. He instructs us on how to get through the delay of time and the speeding of time through prayer and power.  Time is warfare… but we have the victory to overcome it in each battles.


As God has shown the height of warfare is time I have seen life in different view. Even the casting out of demons and the binding of strongholds is a timing issue. Nothings before it time or too late. People have been devasted by  time. Demons that should have been dealt with end up  wrecking people’s lives. Prayers for healing that was delayed have caused pain and hurt.

Church waiting too long to help people… have caused much tragedy in the last 100 years as the church has moved to MEGA Mode. There is not enough resources in Mega church that are personal to help battle or explain the warfare.  Time is spiritual warfare.

The next battle you face; pray for God's guidance on the timing in your life to get the victory. Our family will face many more battles… because time is still ticking. Pray with power and revelation that God instructs you of his timing to get the victory. There are battles I have faced that I have to press through and wait till the end. But because time is warfare… everything has an end date in time.

vlad-gerasimov-039-s-telescope_1024x768Time also has a start date in your life for new things after each battle. This is a season of shifting in the body of Christ where some people are coming out of battle they have had for many many years. And some people are just coming into battles they did not expect. Everything will end and new things will begin. Pray to our Father in heaven over all time to lead you. Time is in hand and he is faithful getting you through. Pray and seek God’s face to  give you victory over the warfare in your life with time. He is a right on time God!

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