Friday, May 31, 2013

God is With Us… Always

GrizzlyBear1I saw this movie a long time ago. It is a powerful  understanding on how God is watching over us. No matter how much the enemy chases us, we have a Father in heaven that is there… waiting. Jesus went to he cross and rose for  us to have a relationship  with God . Through his life, death and resurrection we are greatly love and protected…..



Watchman Nee Who?


One of my favorite Classical Christian Writer is Watchman Nee. It would take several blogs to really illuminate who he was. I have been reading  his books for over 25 years. His detail insight to the word of God are exceptionally and life changing.  He was born Nee Shu-tsu named by his father in Foochow, China in 1903.  His parent dedicated him to the Lord before he was born. He was destine for a life of servitude and suffering.

He later changed his name to Watchman Nee when he got saved in at seventeen in 1920. He consider himself a watchman  raising up an alarm in the dark. His name  change came from his desire and commitment to serve God.  He read many Christian writers that mentor his walk with God through revelations.However his own ability to break down the word of God  is gift from heaven. He is astounding at revealing truth in the scriptures.

I felt a similarity with his experience. After I receives salvation I read many books along with the bible that helped me to understand more about my walk with Jesus. He was inspired by many great authors and so am I.


He life was full of many  struggles and hardships. His wife Charity  Chang worked along side him in sharing the gospel. He lived purely on faith in God to preach the gospel. In  Communist China that is hard thing to do. The opposition to his ministry was always great. He had many health issues along with many hardship from the level of revelations he walked in.

His writing are really simple but deep. I  have grown so much over the years reading his books. Every page is filled with insight , faith, and strength.  His teaching are the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. However he reveals many mysteries in the word as lead by the Holy Spirit in daily practice of faith. Many  of his small books are life-giving to understanding God and the cross of Jesus. I am reading his book  Let us Pray this month. It has open my eye even more to the principles of prayer and walking with God.  I am also reading his book the normal Christian life which is filled with revelation about walking ever day  with Jesus. His books never stray away from the bible or purity of love in  our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. His writing have change my life on top of my daily bible reading.

He suffered greatly for the sake of the gospel. He stayed in main stream China  with the threats of communism looming over him.  He was  put in prison in 1952  for 15 years. He died in May  30, 1972. His books have been spread all around and the world. If you are looking to read something fresh and thought provoking to encourage your faith, check  out any of his book at the library or you can order them online or amazon for little money. He is a deep thinker filled with revelations.  Spiritual Authority is a good book to start with. I guarantee you will be  changed by reading his books. One of the best classic writer and  martyr of our Christian faith…Watchman Nee.

Time in The Storm

Then out of the storm the Lord spoke to Job.” Job 38:1


When you were in trouble, you called to me, and I saved you. From my hiding place in the storm, I answered you. I put you to the test at the springs of Meribah” Psalm 81:7


“When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified.”It's a ghost!" they said, and screamed with fear.” Matthew 14:26


159063_rainbow_umbrella_part_ii_by_ladyagnesTime with God in the Storm

Learning how to be loosed in prayer in the key to your victory. I do not believe there is a direct formula or steps to pray... just the Holy Spirit and the heart. It is praying as led by the Holy Spirit and keeping your heart open to him. It is simply starting where you are and keeping it real. Sometimes in church, you can here “Sister So and So“ pray. You feel inadequate and unsure of your prayer. Sister So and So is not even tried to make you feel unsure in your prayer. It is natural to feel that given our human frailties. We compare ourselves to other all the time. Pray from the Holy Spirit and from your heart. Keep it real. Do not worry about using fancy word, structure or elegant speech… just pray. The more you learn to lose yourself to the Holy Spirit the more you will be able to allow him to pray through you, the word, your words, your need, and Jesus desire for your life in the area you seek in him. Praying always in the spirit.

Your soul need to pray. Let loose of the things that you feel are troubling you when you prayer as led by the Holy Spirit. It hard to get help if you approach God has if you do not need any help. Be open to the Holy Spirit leading you in prayer and releasing your heart to him. It may start with adoration, petition, thanks, concerns, and praise. The combination in not a pattern you need to follow, but the leading of the Holy Spirit. He knows how to commune with God. That’s his job.

40518472_largeWhen Jesus instructed us to pray in Matthew, he was showing us how to address God in our needs and our response to heaven. He is our Father. It is his kingdom. His will be done. On earth and as it is in heaven. We pray to God through Christ Jesus in his name for our daily needs. It is acknowledging God in prayer. This is a natural place for the Holy Spirit to take you. It is not a formula. For example when you go in room, you address the person there with a greeting because you are familiar with them. When you pray your spirit know to say; Dear God, my Father, or Lord ect. It is natural in the Holy Spirit to flow as he leads. Just flow with God’s will for you in prayer.

For many Saints of God they make prayer spooky because their flesh is trying to take a simple process of conversation, relationship and interaction into a huge big awkward event. When you are in relationship with someone, you become familiar with him or her. God is familiar with you. The word of God, prayer, and the spirit of God brings into familiarity automatically with Jesus Christ because it is his platform he created for us to interact with him. It is natural and divine all at the same time. So keep your soul, body, and spirit open to experiencing God is present in all his glory in prayer through the vehicle of the Holy Spirit. He knows what to do!

tumblr_kwg6xffL901qzdiqvo1_400_largeThen Jesus told his disciples a parable to teach them that they should always pray and never become discouraged. “Luke 18:1

Prayers In The Storm..Being Broken

Being Broken

6ed8a358jw1dqh83o9agnj_largeBrokenness for women is dealing with every day crisis, family, relationships, love and life can break your spirit.

The need for prayer to get through brokenness means dealing with many issues on several levels as led by the spirit of God. Brokenness can also come from sin in our life that begins to destroy your walk with God.

The unmet desire and the guilt from sin can cause you to feel brokenness. It is an inward desire for Holinesses that comes with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Holiness means “One with God”. That is established through our walk with Jesus Christ. Through salvation, we have received holiness. We are holy because He is Holy. Now walking that out is another issue when you are going through trials.

God allows us to make choices. We have to choice to be led by his Holy Spirit and led into holiness. This process of brokenness is being renewed in our minds with his word, prayer, relationship with Jesus Christ, and restoration in our walk with him. That feeling of dread and guilt after sin is a horrible feeling. Sometimes the sin is so pleasurable it may be hard to stop on your own. That is where prayer for help comes in. We must realize that we are already redeemed and have settled our salvation with God. No matter what you do, Jesus has already made a way for you to stand righteous in him. Pray for God to deliver you from sin… and keep praying! Bind the spirit attacking you! Use your arsenal.

Do not stop praying. Keep taking yourself to his throne for pray. Keep crying out to Jesus. Stand on the work He did on the cross. You are a new creation! I do not care if “Tyrone” or “Brandon” just crawled out of your bed...keep praying! Keep crying out, He will answer you and help you. Jesus has already made a way out for sin… stand in it! Yoke up with a friend in prayer! The beautiful thing about Jesus is that he can deliver in many ways, show you way out of sinning, removes the sin from you, remove you from the sin, and just out right take the desire out if you. We are saved by grace. His grace will forgive and deliver you as you receive what Jesus has done daily for you.

“And so the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trial and how to keep the wicked under punishment for the Day of Judgment…” 2 Peter 2:9

imagesCAM84XY5When I first got saved Jesus took some sins right out. Some sins I had to work through because I was under attack to keep sinning. Through his promise, the word, prayer, and pursuit of Jesus, I gained great revelations from God about his work in my life. I had to grow into understanding the kingdom I belong too. I learn to act like a citizen of heaven. I was made an instant citizen through Jesus Christ, but I had to be taught by the Teacher (Holy Spirit) what that looked like. It is like moving into a new city and learning the streets. I was able to witness to other from those revelations so they knew how he was compassionate and would bring them out. There where sins I struggle with the he just took the persons or desires away.

God is God all by himself. He can deliver any way he wants. He can come any way he wants to. By praying and asking him by faith, for his will, direction, and guidance, he can bring you out. I believe that is the ultimate goal no matter what. He desires to have you walking holy and his as child of God. If we can believe in his power, he can bring you out. However, we all affect each other. He can use us to help each other come forth in him with our gifts and call.

“As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" he asked. "I am Jesus, whom you persecute," the voice said. "But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do." The men who were traveling with Saul had stopped, not saying a word; they heard the voice but could not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but could not see a thing. So they took him by the hand and led him into Damascus. For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything. There was a believer in Damascus named Ananias. He had a vision, in which the Lord said to him, "Ananias!" "Here I am, Lord," he answered. The Lord said to him, "Get ready and go to Straight Street, and at the house of Judas ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying…” Acts 9:3-11

tumblr_l3i97uJwmy1qc9fwlo1_500_largeIn Saul’s brokenness on the road to Damascus, it was used to reveal God’s power in his life. He was broken because of what he was doing to believers and to Jesus. He was against Jesus. He was a pottery vessel that had been persecuting believers. He was persecuting Jesus and his believers. He was blinded because of this. Jesus blinded him to open up his eyes in a new way. This was for the gospel to come forth in him. Jesus healed him though his servant. His servant received revelations from Jesus to pray for Saul to see again. Saul was praying. He had to pray to get this thing right! It is awesome how God blesses everyone in the situation when he is dealing with even one of his children. Saul saw Jesus, who was resurrected. Saul saw Jesus’ power move through his servant Ananias.

Saul first encounter with Jesus power was through the power that blinded him and the power that was use by his servant to heal him. Saul needed to see something greater than his will to persecute the church. He needed to see that he needed Jesus to help him.

He needed to see that power in the believers he was trying to persecute. Ananias saw how Jesus dealt with those against the church. He had the power to convert even their enemies to the work of the cross. Saul’s eyes were opened on all level through his brokenness: Spirit, soul, and body! His name was changed to Paul.

It is in the deliverance in our trials that God can use to help us all keeps growing in him. We can be each other’s answers in prayer. We can help each other become who God want us to be through our brokenness.

prayers in the storm april 4 fronttt new

Be an Over Comer


7894f_0_largeJesus is with us to help us be overcomer. We are equipped for battle. God has already given us the victory through Christ Jesus. The demonic events we all go through are never really talked about in the Body of Christ. Demons are only dealt with on “TV” in paranormal shows. However in the body of Christ we have everything we need to defeat the force that try us in the world. It is amazing to see as believer when we can go through something tragic and then we blame ourselves instead of pursing enemy. On the other hand, we blame God! The cause of event in our lives may have come from many things.

However, there is always a trace of demonic influence somewhere. The bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ruler, power, principalities, wickedness, and thing in high places.


“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put overall armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. “Ephesians 6: 10-13


In the body of Christ, we fight each other instead the forces behind the battle. Many of the attack you experience are demons sent on assignment. You know that on some level, but do not know own to get the victory. It starts with prayer. Jesus dealt with demons. So why would you not have to? Baby Christians are brought into battle when they accept Jesus. Jesus was attack by Satan in the wilderness after receiving his call. The enemy challenged him.

He came though because he was the Son of God with power from on high. Therefore, will you come though because you are an adopted child of God through Christ Jesus. You have power in you by the Holy Spirit. You have spiritual authority over darkness.

You have the victory. The broken spirit that comes from the demonic attack, you will survive it through Jesus Christ. You must wage war in the spirit; because war is, being waged against you is spiritual. Fight in the spirit, not in your flesh. Cussing out folk, yelling, fighting, and being mean spirit will not give you the victory. You will feed into the thing you are fighting. If you start in the spirit… finish in the spirit.


Over the last 5 years I stared having problems cursing. I was not alone. It was bothering that I slipped every now and then. I pray about it because I had many friends that seem to have the same problems. The Lord showed me the president (before 2008), congress in the white house, TV, and some churches had poured this spirit out on the country at that time. It was breathed out on the body of Christ. The political hatred and racism over the country now is also a factor. The enemy has released it over the church. Unbiblical church positions caused hatred and division. The church lost it love for souls and the word. The word of God became a tool for justifying hatred and taking back the nation… Instead of winning souls.

It was also my season to deal with that sin. It was a sin I was quickly delivered from when I was saved. I was in the army then and was surrounded by profanity. I was instantly delivered when I came to Christ in 1981. In this season, it came back. I am saying I was not accountable for the sin, but it was in the air stronger than ever. I have friend that were of different political party, churches, and part of the country struggled also with cursing.

They spirit of profanity has started to pass in the last few years. It was spirit that just ran rapid across the country. There are a completely new set of spirits running rapid now. There is a strong spirit of hatred and racism that has taken root stronger in the country and churches. But I had an open door in my soul for this sin.

The demonic stronghold that effects my cursing had to be dealt with. The sin in my soul from anger had to be dealt with. I was angry at a whole hand full of things. I went to school during the civil right movement and had experience so much hatred as a child because of the color of my sin. It started with prayer and the word. I took myself to God in prayer. I release my angry also at the thing I had experience also that affect my life. I had to bind the spirit of profanity.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Matthew 18:18

I was angry inside. I had never dealt with some anger issues when I first was saved. But also the divisions of the church political view increased my anger. I had righteous anger at the injustice I saw when America experience a black president. The prayer against him and the racism were unbiblical and destructive. We are to pray for those who led us, no matter what race they are.

God knows the season to heal us. God took this time I had away from public ministry to heal me. I stepped back from church attendance among many other reasons to begin to deal with my anger, angry spirits, profanity, and the brokenness I held inside from injustice I had experience in my life as an artist, minister, and writer. My main source of anger was my disappointments with my career as an artist. The list was long. Daily, as I prayed to Jesus for help, I was delivered from that anger. The process of praying for myself, reading the word, and binding that spirit work together in being delivered. It took prayer. It took power! The Holy Spirit reminded me who I was in Christ.. I am new creation in Christ Jesus.

I was walking out my place in God’s kingdom as his child. I have been redeem. I needed to be reminded that I was already set free by the blood of the lamb! The real battle was knowing that I already had the victory. I realize that I just needed to walk out being in God’s kingdom. For many reasons in that season I have misplaces identity from the anger. Jesus kept reminding me that I was his no matter what. He kept reminding me that it had been settles at the cross and I need to stand on that. The anger went away! In this season, seek the Lord’s face to discern what season he has you in. God know how to heal you and when. You are an overcomer! Shout Hallelujah!

Jack it to Jesus!


A few days ago I watched “Toddlers and Tiaras” with my daughter on TLC. It a reality show where little girls are made to look like grown women to compete in pageants. The parents,  I think,  are living out their lost dreams in their little  daughters. I think few may have honest intention. I don’t watch this show often. I flip by it. That day I decided to watch about 10 minutes of it to see what was up. One of the mother describes a hair style she wanted her daughter to have for the  competition. She said” Jack it to Jesus!” I laugh at the expression. I had never heard anything like that. My daughter who is in college started using that expression the next day when I was doing my hair. Later that night I thought about the power of prayer and using this term. It made sense to use that phrase in getting a breakthrough in prayer,  when there is a great need in your life! Jack it to Jesus! Since that day that expression has stuck in my spirit.

The term, for me means to” lift up as high as you can what you need”. The women on the show wanted her daughter’s hair stack high. In reality there are times when we need our prayers   “Jack it  to Jesus”.  There is a time  in prayer when we need to be on  high fire for God. In our prayer we  need to lift up with power, our request before God. We need to send up  our cry to the heaven Jesus paid the price  for us to have a right go to God through him  to lift up our needs. The Holy Spirit know how to “Jack it to Jesus!”. This year is a year of prayer. This year is a year of lifting our voice like never before to God. We need to get back on fire in prayer and pray for others.  The mom on the show knew that the higher  her daughters hair was, that the chances of her winning was greater. In reality it is the same in prayer, but with faith! With our faith high we get answers…..when believe! We Jack it to Jesus with great faith!

 “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:23-24


There are two  words that over the years have been missing somewhat from some  churches. Those words are; The Anointing and the Holy Ghost. The anointing is the Spirit’s  ability to move and fill us with fresh  power. I have heard people sing and I have heard people sing under the anointing. There is a big  difference. We need the anointing. The anointing is referred to as  oil and water  in the word.  The oil is a symbolically   reference throughout  the  bible.  The truth  of the being anointed comes from symbolically  the press of God  in our lives  walk and  be his children. It is then that  the anointing  come  out of us.  It is a yielded life in the spirit. The anointing comes out from the  press of the Holy Spirit moving in us. The anointing flows from the yielded  life  that has been pressed by God. That yielded life produces works that release his power. Last year was a year of  great pressure . This year is year of  great anointing! Every year should be that way as walk with Jesus!


e second word is  the “Holy Ghost”. A Ghost is  a term used  when  someone is dead  and their  spirit is  left hanging around out. I don’t  believe in ghost… I explain that later. But I do believe in the term is referring to  something that is there after death. We have died in Christ for those who believe.  We are raised with Christ and carry our cross. The Holy Ghost lives in us since we are dead , but are  risen in him. We have a new Spirit that live in us since we have died to our selves! We have the Holy Ghost! I can recall  when I was in the apostolic church many years ago a song about getting the Holy Ghost! We lifted up a high praise to God. We Jacked our praise to Jesus! In the Holy Ghost. This year is a refreshing of that need to  live in the Holy Ghost and not in our flesh.  So many problems can be resolved in our lives if we live in the spirit. We must realize we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things are passed away.  When have been Jacked up  to Jesus!

Make this year count and cry out to God like never before. Let your prayers be made know. Spend more  time in prayer. Pray in your mind and heart. Lift up your needs to Jesus. Lift up your needs bodily to Jesus! This year with your heart, cry out to God everything you  have held  inside you need! Praise him with a pure heart! Lift him up! Everything you need…. Jack it Jesus!


Cabin In The Sky! Warfare?

clip_image001One of my all time favorite movies is  Cabin in the Sky. Vincent Minnelli directed this great classic in 1943. He is Liza Minnelli’s  Father. It was very rare to  see  a black film with such a great cast produced in that era. A lot of film that  were produced by black filmmaker during that era showcased black talent and lifestyle  were not seen in mainstream American. This movie  moved from the stereotypes in Hollywood of black creating fun black folklore. The cast of Cabin in The Sky was Lena Horn, Ethel Water, Rex Ingram, Louie Armstrong, and Eddie Anderson to name a few.  It was cohesive cast of highly talent actor and actress that brought this film to life.

The movie’s plot  alone  opens the doors for a lot of discussion on  spirituality  as seen from a  black church view. I appreciate its innocent attempt to bring to the screen the reality of decisions, warfare, and struggles in life in a  real way. It the simplest form the movie shows  the possibilities   if you had a second chance at life …what would you do different?clip_image002

In the film Little Joe  is suppose to make his life right with God. He make a  decision to shoot dice instead of getting his soul right with God. He almost dies. He is stuck in state of limbo. The angels of God and the demons of hell battle for his soul. An angel is sent to heaven to see what God want to do about Little Joe. His wife is praying women. She has been praying for Little Joe's soul. The angels hear her praying and it moves God. Little Joe is given an second chance to live and get it right. He will not remember however what happen when he died and  the warfare that  took  place in his room. So he  has  to make the right choices this time around. The demon( Lucifer Jr.)  promises to set him up for failure. The angel from heaven also will help him give them a fight. He makes some decisions that  sets the course for  his life to look familiar. I will leave it at that because if you have not seen the movies that ending is superb! I don’t want to spoil it!


It life we are faced with decisions. if you could take back anything you did in life what would you do different? The warfare that take place around Joe from a Christian perspective is worth taking note. Many time we walk as if we are on our own. There are angels and demons sometimes at war in the midst of us. I have experience the  feelings of  protection  many times by angelic forces around me.

I picked  up an young man   at night on my way back to colleges hitchhiking many years ago. I  never do stuff like that! The man was strange in a good way. He keep telling me about Jesus and all these blessing  that would happen to me in my life.  I was not a Christian at the time. The car was lite with  a bright light. I can’t  explained it . We drove for  about 20 min.  I took him to his house. I was parked under a bright street light. He shared with am all the  things God had for me and to just believe him. He said my life would be  getting better. I watched him get out  my car and go behind my car. I wanted to see what house he would go into so I could come back by and talk to him the next day. He just vanished behind my car. I got out the car …..he was no where to be found. I was parked under bright street light! I could not see him any where. I believe he was an angels.

Many time we are encountered angels and help from above. The TV show back in the 70’s Highway to Heaven was a concept of having help sent to you to make the right decisions. In the bible its say to treat  stranger right because we may encounter an angel. I have studied many book about angels from a biblical perspective. We are  not to worship them but understand what they exist, war,  do God’s will,  and protect.  Only God knows!

“Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” Hebrew 13:2

In one scene in Cabin the The Sky the angels and demons and walking around the room pacing waiting for an angel to bring back the message from Heaven. Little Joe sees his own  body in the bed and is panicking. The angel of God tries   to calm  him down. The demons are eager to take his soul to hell. The battle for our soul is real each day the temptations we face  to do wrong.  Sometimes  that out ways the desire to do right.  Some day you can feel the battle. Some day we just give in. However being a Christian change all of that when we walk in God’s grace through Jesus Christ.  We have help and have settled our account with God. That mean we are not  wrestling with what will happen when we die because we believes.  Our sins have been forgiven. We are just trying to live right , but have grace and mercy from God.



I figure as a Christian walking with God If I die and  let say that there is no God or heaven….. I have live my life loving and serving others.  I have nothing to lose because I lived a good life loving others. The flip side of the coin is that if I die and I have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior  then I risk the chance of missing out on heaven. I am exchanging 100 years on the life living right for the risk of 1000’s of year in eternity away from God. It made sense to me in doing the math to take a chance on Jesus, he has not failed me left. Many people have had NDE – Near Death Experience who have seen heaven and hell. Many were not Christian and discoverer their faith.


For those who have never watched the movie… rent it!. It is not accurate in some ways biblically  but great entertainment in seeing spirituality in different light.  Cabin In The Sky  shows some of the pitfall and temptations we have in life that can cause of us to be  tricked  into failing from grace.  In one scene  the demons in hell played  by  Rex Ingram, Louie Armstrong, and Fletcher River(Stepping Fletcher) plots to get Little Joe’s soul. Their plan involved money and a women. The scenario is played out ever day in our society with or without the help of demons! The decision to gamble, trick, lie, or steal for greed. There are women that are gold diggers that love to seek out man with money. There is even website called “Sugar Daddies” to find men with  money and hook up. Some things never change!


We are tempted on every side. We battle and tray hard a s human to make the right design. The most  amazing part of the movie for me is watching the angels of God in white suite  dressed like warrior protecting his  soul. It is all entertainment but provide such strong images for  the imagination of the help we may have. Cabin In The Sky is a legendary film that capture a glimpse of spirituality. Of all the film that could have been produced by MGM this film  on black life is uplifting.It speaks to the heart of who we are as black people. We are  very spiritual!!!!  Whatever you are battling  trust you are not battling it alone. God can and will send help where you pray for it or not!  He is faithful. I hope if you have time to watch  the film that it help you to see  even through entertainment that what every decision you make in life whether you are saved or not God has a plan for you. He  can sent  you help when you need it. Even as we speak for what you are facing today… help on the way. He has a Cabin in The Sky for you!



Big Mamma Thornton is the Blues

big_mama_5It is not often that I run across a blues musician with a big voice, big talent, and  a vibrant strong stage presence. While searching YouTube for juke joint music from the Delta I came across Big Mamma Thornton and fell in love with her sound. The first note that came from her went deep into my soul calling to the  “black-women-hardships-blues-sistah” in me. I could feel the dirt roads of Alabama, the deep woods of the southern hills, old gospel mountain churches, and the sounds of backs cracking from the weight of sharecropped cotton. Her music touched the negro in me that was still aching to sing the blues of the south through the cornbread vocals of our appointed messenger from our broken people. She lived,sang and created, and walked out in her life, the blues.


 imagesCA3SO61DWillie Mae "Big Mamma” Thornton was born in Ariton, Alabama in 1926. The daughter of a minister. She grew up in and  around gospel music. She began singing at the age of six. From Montgomery, Alabama to Houston Texas, to San Francisco, California, where she settled her music became her life and a gift to the world. She played with all  the greats: Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Johnny Lee Hooker, and Dr. Ross to name a few.  She is a blues legend. Her famous  song Hounddog was sung by Jill Scott in the 2007 movie Hound Dog. I didn't like the movie that much, but the music by Jill Scott stole the movie in my opinion. The song was stolen by other artists whose names I won’t mention. Big Mamma Thornton first recorded it in 1952. She was a songwriter and a great self taught  musician. 



 big-mama-thornton-hound-dogHer round vibrant voice and bold  harmonica style captivates your ears on every note. Her voice is full from the soul up. Hearing her sing brings your life to attention. She is a story teller with words and deep emotions. I have not found a  female blues vocalist yet that I can honestly say can match her authoritative  brassy, bold style. I am still looking. When I listen to her music I feel as if her songs are things I wish I could  say If I could sing the blues. She died of a heart attack in 1984, but her music lives on. That is the framework of being a legend in my eyes. Check out  the videos of her performances. Turn up the volume , lean back, and listen with your soul. She will awake a truth in you that comes from a life that was steeped in  blues and hard living. Big  Mamma Thornton is that aunt we all have had in our lives, who tells it like it is. She is the queen of blues! She sang the gospel! Big Mamma Thornton gave us all she had and more.








220px-Thornton_Big_Mama_01Ball 'n' Chain – Big Mama Thornton

"All around I felt it, all I could see was the rain. Something grabbed a hold of me, honey felt to me honey like, lord, a ball and chain."





And…. if you have time a blues treat!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Homeless Man… I am not a Bum






Building New Web.. Little Liza Jane


I am building my new website! It is exciting to see it all come together. Over the years I have created volumes of art that varies. I am finding my voice in new ways. My love for fine art, illustrations, words, books, design, and home decor is coming  together. This site will allow you to purchase:


*Fine Art

*Home Décor

*Designed products

* Wall Art

* Hand crafted Art

*Whimsical Art and books!


I am excited about my new studio and creating whimsical art from the heart! My dad and mom use to sing the song”Oh Little Liza Jane” when I was little. They have  both gone to be with the Lord. My new studio is the baton they passed on to me to be who I am in Christ. I desire to create art that reflect the sincere creative ability God has given me . I hope to make some one home a little more cozy with a work of art or home décor by me!

What’s in a House?



When our family lived in Columbia, Maryland we rented a house that was a portal of some kind to hell. The constant banging and noise was demonic. I could sit down stairs and hear someone clearly walking every day across the bedroom floor with very loud footsteps. One day I saw the cat playing with something. It was a small wormwood like creature you would find in pictures of hell. It got worse every day. There was stomping, walking, and banging that went on all day and night. The house was in front of a forest of trees. A young man had died I think in the house. There was a neighborhood plaque placed in his honor outside our front door.

Our neighbors never told us about what had happened. They always just remained silent. This was a key to knowing that something had gone wrong in the house. I can remember one night waking up paralyzed and having a black shadow pressing me on the bed. When I finally was able to call aloud upon the name of Jesus it broke. My eyes were open watching it.

It turned into a black bird and flew out of the window. On several occasions we had black outs that came out of nowhere. The community was also located behind a major  Heavy Metal Rock concert arena.  I would wake up at 3:01 am and sit up on the side of the bed. The moment my foot hit the ground the lights would go out all over the whole neighborhood. I thought it was me. The third time this happened I realized that I was being awakened by God and that something was going on. I knew it was a time of prayer. When I sat up to deal with it the light went out for several blocks at the exact time.

01682_fallingstar_1440x900A few weeks before we left my husband and I were in the bed asleep. The kids had gone over to some friends’ house. I heard some one come to the door of our room, walk to the door, listen for us and then leave. I thought it was the cat. I went to the door and opened it. No one was there. I next opened my daughter’s room door and the cat was on the bed just staring at me. It had been locked in the room.

I decided to test this theory I had that what I was dealing with was an entity. I placed my husband’s lunch bag on the banister in the house above the steps. It was on a firm surface with a lot of room to sit. There was no wind or drafts in the hall. The surface was about 4-5 inches wide. I walked away, closed our room door, and waited a few minutes. I heard the lunch bag fall. I opened the room door, went back to check, and something had knocked it off the landing.

It was time to deal with it spiritually. I believe where ever we live, where ever we place our feet becomes holy ground. We are to occupy until Jesus’ return. He has given us authority. We did relocate out west a few months later. We prayed and spoke God’s word over the house. The house appeared to be a portal or gateway to hell. Many events happened in this house that led me to this conclusion. I gained greater revelation of dealing with old houses by this experience

We had also lived near the Arlington cemetery in Virginia at one time. I can recall a demon that would come down the hall every night towards my daughter’s room. She would yell my name. I would get up and go rebuke it. One day in this Arlington house, I was lying on the couch resting. I heard a large banging across the attic that went all across the floor. It was the loudest pounding I had ever heard.

I asked my landlord the next day about it, if there was construction in the area. She said "no" and that maybe it was just some construction work on a nearby road. There had to be some other explanation because these noises were coming from inside the house and they were loud. We had heard things being dropped in the attic every day. One Saturday we got tired of it and decided to command it to leave out of the window and go. The shades to the widow shuddered and lifted up really high and something went out of it.

We moved from there. We won’t live in older houses any more due to the demonic activities. There is a history of houses on the land that can get greatly possessed with the passing of time. I never deal with entities as if they are ghosts but as demons. Using the name of Jesus gave us victory and peace when we lived at this location. Sometimes houses are given over to Satan through rituals, covenants, witchcraft and more. It is important to pray about where you live.

clip_image002In both the houses we had lived in we were given the houses with no credit check and the leases were signed on the spot. I know now that the people who lived there before must have left quickly because of the problems they encountered possibly could not explain. I believe that wherever we put our feet is holy ground and God is always with us. I still do believe that God gave us the victory over each of those houses. His protection and power was with us. His name held back the worst of things and removed many of the forces we were dealing with. His angels were with us fighting the battle for us also. We had help from heaven. There are many arsenals we have to fight the good fight if we use them in the name of the Lord Jesus. He gave us everything we need at the cross.

Through all the trials we have been through in this life and all the things we have seen even at 3 am his power and love has always been there and has never changed. The greatest joy for us in life is not waking up at 3 am and praying but of being able, through Jesus Christ, to come to God every hour, every second of the day in prayer and to know that he is there!

Why Am I Paralyzed When I Sleep?



The original definition of sleep paralysis was codified by Dr Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language as "nightmare," a term that evolved into our modern definition. Such sleep paralysis was widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mære (from a proto-Germanic marōn, cf. Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. The word might be etymologically cognate to Hellenic Marōn (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit Māra. Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move i.e., experiences sleep paralysis. This nightmare experience is described as being "hag-ridden" in the Gullah lore. The "Old Hag" was a nightmare spirit in British and also Anglophone North American folklore. In Nigeria, "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among people of African descent than among whites or Nigerian Africans", and is often referred to within African communities as "the Devil on your back."Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes.

There are several medical reasons for waking up with sleep paralysis during the night: stress, eating late, disease, narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnologic hallucinations. I don’t rule out any of these as possibilities for why anyone is experiencing this phenomenon. However waking up from sleep paralyzed at 3 am could be a sign of demonic activities that are not related to a medical occurrence.  Because I am not a doctor I cannot provide any insight into the matter based on your own personal health.  I can only give you my insights from a spiritual perspective. It is your judgment call if you feel like you need to seek medical help for this occurrence.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. Psalm 91:5-7

Ever since I was a teenager I have experienced it. Over the years it has lessened in my life. I have learned to pray against and war against it when it happens to me or my husband. When I have experienced sleep paralysis I have been attacked, tormented, and even tackled. I am wide awake when this happens and unable to move. I have heard noises, sounds, and have seen dark spirits, black birds and other entities manifest. I am awake when it happens. You get this sensation of feeling really drowsy and tired. And you know that if you go back to sleep it will only get worse. The room is very clear and you know that you are not asleep. You know that if you can move just one part of your body or scream that you can break the spirit that is holding you down. Fear can also paralyze you. It is a spirit and also an over whelming grip.  God did not give us a spirit of fear. Bind it and rebuke it in Jesus name!

sleeping__48285I have talked to so many Christians who go though this and have no idea how to deal with it. There are two solutions I have found that work every time I am paralyzed. Call upon the name of Jesus. If you are not able to talk then just say it in your mind “Jesus help me!” As a Christian we also have the power to rebuke it and bind it. Whether or not it is a medical problem you are having it is not normal nor of God. You have nothing to lose by rebuking and calling upon his name for help.  Jesus came for us to have healing in our bodies so if it is medical he can help you still. If it is demonic and you are being tormented by spirits you still have power over it based upon his power. This does not happen as often as it used to because I have learned to pray, bind it, cry out, and fight with the weapons of warfare we have in Christ! Pray for the Lord to make you sleep peacefully and restful in Jesus’ name!


Why Am I Paralyzed When I Sleep?



The original definition of sleep paralysis was codified by Dr Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language as "nightmare," a term that evolved into our modern definition. Such sleep paralysis was widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mære (from a proto-Germanic marōn, cf. Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. The word might be etymologically cognate to Hellenic Marōn (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit Māra. Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move i.e., experiences sleep paralysis. This nightmare experience is described as being "hag-ridden" in the Gullah lore. The "Old Hag" was a nightmare spirit in British and also Anglophone North American folklore. In Nigeria, "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among people of African descent than among whites or Nigerian Africans", and is often referred to within African communities as "the Devil on your back."Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes.

There are several medical reasons for waking up with sleep paralysis during the night: stress, eating late, disease, narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnologic hallucinations. I don’t rule out any of these as possibilities for why anyone is experiencing this phenomenon. However waking up from sleep paralyzed at 3 am could be a sign of demonic activities that are not related to a medical occurrence.  Because I am not a doctor I cannot provide any insight into the matter based on your own personal health.  I can only give you my insights from a spiritual perspective. It is your judgment call if you feel like you need to seek medical help for this occurrence.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. Psalm 91:5-7

Ever since I was a teenager I have experienced it. Over the years it has lessened in my life. I have learned to pray against and war against it when it happens to me or my husband. When I have experienced sleep paralysis I have been attacked, tormented, and even tackled. I am wide awake when this happens and unable to move. I have heard noises, sounds, and have seen dark spirits, black birds and other entities manifest. I am awake when it happens. You get this sensation of feeling really drowsy and tired. And you know that if you go back to sleep it will only get worse. The room is very clear and you know that you are not asleep. You know that if you can move just one part of your body or scream that you can break the spirit that is holding you down. Fear can also paralyze you. It is a spirit and also an over whelming grip.  God did not give us a spirit of fear. Bind it and rebuke it in Jesus name!

sleeping__48285I have talked to so many Christians who go though this and have no idea how to deal with it. There are two solutions I have found that work every time I am paralyzed. Call upon the name of Jesus. If you are not able to talk then just say it in your mind “Jesus help me!” As a Christian we also have the power to rebuke it and bind it. Whether or not it is a medical problem you are having it is not normal nor of God. You have nothing to lose by rebuking and calling upon his name for help.  Jesus came for us to have healing in our bodies so if it is medical he can help you still. If it is demonic and you are being tormented by spirits you still have power over it based upon his power. This does not happen as often as it used to because I have learned to pray, bind it, cry out, and fight with the weapons of warfare we have in Christ! Pray for the Lord to make you sleep peacefully and restful in Jesus’ name!




Sound Cloud… Raspberry Jazz


Over the years I have been writing music. I love all kinds of music. I have been experimenting with using big band music to create a house sound. This last year I self published two CD. The music  came from a deep place. I compose music but I also play several instruments. Look for more of my music this years> I doing it!

My Soundcloud:

[soundcloud url="" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

[soundcloud url="" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

Painting Black Women From History, From the Heart


Painting Black Women From History, From the Heart

Back in the early 80’s, I left Columbus Ohio to attend College in Pueblo, Colorado. For the first time in my life I was around another culture besides Black and White people. I was exposed to Mexican Americans and Latino artists for the first time. My second semester of college I had to go into the military to pay for college. I lived off campus near downtown when I returned from Basic Training.  It was a very hard time. I finally  got a  job at night at the mall. To make some extra money I entered a mural contest with local Mexican artists. We had to paint a mural on the vacant  windows in the Vail Hotel. I was so poor that I didn’t have enough money for paint. I brought some food colors, Comet, and paper cups. I mixed the food color with the Comet and water. I painted a mural on the glass window of a Black woman standing tall. It was how I felt even though I  had not eaten for a few days, I was tall inside.

Studio Cafe1extra 1An older white lady noticed my attempts to paint and befriended me. She invited me over for lunch at her  shop. We became friends. Her name was Vadna Pomeroy. She had lived with Salvador Dali in Spain for several years. She exposed me to his art and style. She told me wild stories about  visiting his castle. It was fascinating to hear such personal accounts of a renowned artist. My brother Charles Dillard  had painted  an imitation of his Persistence of Memory  many years ago. It look identical to the original. Vadna encouraged me to keep doing my art because my struggle would define my paintings.


I was beginning to become enriched with  the appreciation of art from other cultures. As I said, in Columbus there were only two kinds of people: Black and White.  My artistic  world was beginning to take on color as an artist.  From Vadna's encouragement I began studying Salvador Dali. I fell in love with his art. I understood more about his political pieces he painted.  I was inspired. I discovered Diego Riviera  later.BeFunky_HDR_1.jpg  Matisse  and Edward Hopper became  my favorite artists also. But I was still painting Black women but why? Why was I so driven to paint Black women? Why didn’t I start painting Cubism or Surreal art? I was inspired.. right?

The fact is I am a Black woman. I realize that these artists are like me because they painted who they were, what they saw, and their culture around them. I grew up with a strong  Black mother (Louise Dillard). I had strong Black sisters. (Pinky, Wanda, and Darcel).  I had strong Black aunts. I was tall inside because they made me tall.

I  grew  up seeing strong Black women artists around me. I recall curating a show at the recreation center in Columbus Ohio. I had to pick up art from Aminah Robinson from her house. I had the several pieces of art already on display. She lived down the street from by brother on Nelson1930s_tea_470_470x352best road in Columbus. I pulled up to her house and she opened the door. I had known her a for a while  from Ace Gallery, but I had not had the  time to just talk to her one on one. She always wore such a bright warm smile. I spent  about an hour  or so talking art with her. She  showed me a chair she had been carving that had her family history on it. She pulled out a book that was  a 6’  scrap book of felts and fabrics that told  the story of her son and family's history. Woven in the book were  photos, beads, cut outs, and designs that  told a beautiful, abstract story of family. She expressed how she admired my work and we agreed to exchange pieces. She inspired me to be who I am and to tell my story. As an Artist she touched my life deeply.

black bather 1Over the years I have tried to do just that.  I try to tell in my art the story of Black women on wood, paper, and canvas. Our history is wide, deep, loving, and strong. It is full of faith, fears, peace, joys, and resiliency. This past year I discovered photos of Black women on the beaches in Asbury, New Jersey in 1908. It was a  beach resort   in the 1900’s for Blacks to swim at. It was segregated. Many of the pictures showed the joy of loving the sun on our beautiful golden skin. I also found photos of White women on the  beach in the 1900’s.  I replaced them with Black women to fill in my imagination of what it must have been like for them to swim also in a different section of the segregated  beach.

Over the years I have done many series of paintings. Black women will always be a centerpiece in that body of work I am committed to creating. We are full, tall, short, light brown, dark brown, golden, red bone, bronze, bright, and caramel. girl on beachEvery painting I paint of Black women, there is a piece of me in it. In every hue of brown and depth of movement I found I added my self. They are me and I am them. From Sunday Morning hats to small Black girls on steps, I paint Black women from the heart, soul ,and spirit of who we are. In every stroke I feel our survival and our faith to endure. Dali, Diego, Hopper, and Matisse  encouraged me to use my voice to our  tell story…our  story in paint as they told theirs. I paint what I see and feel in each historical Black  photo I discover. Every day I wake up and  look in the mirror, the brown skin around me reminds me… paint that Black woman you see. I have never painted a self-portrait, then again maybe I have….

Tarry Child2011







Make My Coffee Strong, I Want The Spoon to Stand Up In It


"So then did I become your enemy speaking to you the truth?" Gal 4:16

"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding" Pro 23:23

I love watching old movies. The weekends are my time to catch up with Joan Crawford, Bettie Davis, Cab Calloway, and Lena Horn. The movies from the 1930s and 40s have some of the greatest dialogues. I was watching an old movie called “Pinky” a few days  ago. I read Ethel Waters’ biography with great enjoyment a few years back so I try to watch any movie that she was in. She is one of my favorite actresses. She plays a grandmother down south in this movie.

The movie tells the story of a young mulatto girl  named Pinky who comes back  to her home town after living in the big city and working as a nurse. Her Grandmother insisted she  care for  an elderly white woman . The elderly woman had  watched over the grandmother  when she  worked on their land. Pinky had  to come back  to her hometown   and deal  with the race issues that haunted her a as child. She had been passing for a white women in the northern cities.  The movie  was revolutionary because  this topic  among many was not dealt with back in those era on the wide screens.

Pinky attends to the older lady daily. She hated the  whole set up, however she still came around . She develops a strange  and loving relationship with the older women.  The older lady  encouraged her to be real and be who she is.  At one point she tells her to  get her some coffee.

“ Make my coffee strong, I want the spoon to stand up in it!”

That line stuck with me for days. The thought of coffee being so strong that the spoon would stand up in it is thought provoking. The coffee is  symbolic of truth. The spoon is  symbolic for of being able to take the truth. We live in time where illusions are created everyday in beauty, advertisement, TV Commercials, and pop culture. These illusions aren’t exempt in the church either. Things are manipulated to appear to be what they are not. The extremes our society goes through to create false images and manipulate reality is intensifying. The truth becomes lies…

The truth can be hard , ugly, beautiful, inspirational,  and intense. However, it should be the bases of how we live our lives. We should live like strong coffee. Strong coffee can be hard to take.  It is getting easy to stretch and lightens the truth. The spoon is laying on the table and not in the cup for some. The  teaching of the bible has become lightweight in some setting. It is the “user friendly gospel” that is present in  some church settings. The gospel is watered down to make sure it does not offend. It loses it true meaning  at times in this process. Because  of the hatred  that has been  presented as the gospel by extremes fraction of Christianity  in the last 10 years the true concept have to be water down by other  fractions.

The true balance in the gospel is taking  the word of God for what it means. The  Bible talks about the word of God and prophecy that it is not open for private interpretation. In the bible  you can’t  just twist it to make it mean what ever want for you own convenience.  It is missing  the true purpose the word of God. The bible is a historical book  along side the fact it is the word of God.

I studied some archeology  in college before coming a Christian. The consistency of  archeological artifact of biblical account was  one of the main reasons I became a Christian. It was backed with historical fact and evidence that provided evidence  to the stories to be accurate and true. I still study biblical archeology till this day.

Recent studies on the Shroud of Turin that show the  blood stains, nail holes, dimension of Christ, and more confirm that something supernatural happened to the cloth to cause a holographic 3D  x-ray photographic image. The details of Jesus’ resurrection are embedded on the shroud. One thing I found fascinating was the amulet  band placed on Jesus’ neck that read in Aramaic for ” Father”. Also Abba which mean “Dear Father” in some translation. The placing of this on his neck was  part of several different burial rituals both Jewish custom and Roman.

Many amulets were inscribed on small discs of silver or other metal and worn as a pendant around the neck. Amulets being small in size, biblical verses and names were indicated by their initial letters, with the result that the inscription is frequently very difficult to decipher. The Samaritan community uses names of angels unknown in Jewish tradition.”


Aramaic - Aba
Hebrew - Aba
Arabic – Ab

Abba, Father,' he said, 'everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."  Mark 14:36

They also discovered coins on Jesus eyes in the tomb dating back to the 29 AD that were from Pontius Pilate reign that confirms the dating of the  cruxciation and resurrection of Christ. The most amazing fact  found  on the shroud  revealed the body was floating in-between the cloth during the explosion of light of the image left on the linen. This is strong coffee that would make a spoon stand up! An event horizon in physic took place!

God is always revealing himself with truth and facts. Approaching the Christian faith with skepticism  some times can lead to becoming a stronger believer   because the evidence  in the natural consistently reveals God’s word as true. I am not an expert by no means. I have a lot to learn and more studying  to pursue about my own faith. It has been  an amazing journey seeking  biblical archeology that confirm   the bible as historical and true for me.

Making strong coffee means intensifying the amount of coffee you use and the mixture of the brand. I like to drink  light breakfast blends sometimes ,but it doesn't do the job for me. I prefer dark Columbia  coffee or Ethiopian blends. I have been that way most of my life. Truth  is as  strong as a Columbia blend that wakes you up. So many are sleeping in their faith that a strong cup of truth will help mature the soul. Such truths as: A true relationship  God through  Jesus Christ, being a Christian and not just a church goers, character flaws that need to be fixed with the word of God, and learning to love other unconditionally. Some basic Christian  beliefs have gotten lost in the hype of being  so religious. The spoon needs to stand up!

Next time you sit down to drink a  cup of coffee ask yourself, how do I like to hear truth? Truth  is hard to take. It is hard for me to face truth every day. I am a mess some day trying to live my abilities! I have great days of victory when I just walk in Christ alone. The difference is being religious versus  being in relationship  as I accept the work on the cross  by Jesus.  But I realize I will never grow if I allow my self to believe the lies I tell my self to get through the day. I read, listen, and pray to hear God’s truth. The truth is not just the things I am trying to better at, but the greater truth of how much God loves me  even when I struggle with life.  It is  all about his grace and love for me. I am a work in progress and far from what I should be, but I am on my way! Make my coffee strong! I want the spoon to stand up in it!




