Jesus is with us to help us be overcomer. We are equipped for battle. God has already given us the victory through Christ Jesus. The demonic events we all go through are never really talked about in the Body of Christ. Demons are only dealt with on “TV” in paranormal shows. However in the body of Christ we have everything we need to defeat the force that try us in the world. It is amazing to see as believer when we can go through something tragic and then we blame ourselves instead of pursing enemy. On the other hand, we blame God! The cause of event in our lives may have come from many things.
However, there is always a trace of demonic influence somewhere. The bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ruler, power, principalities, wickedness, and thing in high places.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put overall armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. “Ephesians 6: 10-13
In the body of Christ, we fight each other instead the forces behind the battle. Many of the attack you experience are demons sent on assignment. You know that on some level, but do not know own to get the victory. It starts with prayer. Jesus dealt with demons. So why would you not have to? Baby Christians are brought into battle when they accept Jesus. Jesus was attack by Satan in the wilderness after receiving his call. The enemy challenged him.
He came though because he was the Son of God with power from on high. Therefore, will you come though because you are an adopted child of God through Christ Jesus. You have power in you by the Holy Spirit. You have spiritual authority over darkness.
You have the victory. The broken spirit that comes from the demonic attack, you will survive it through Jesus Christ. You must wage war in the spirit; because war is, being waged against you is spiritual. Fight in the spirit, not in your flesh. Cussing out folk, yelling, fighting, and being mean spirit will not give you the victory. You will feed into the thing you are fighting. If you start in the spirit… finish in the spirit.

Over the last 5 years I stared having problems cursing. I was not alone. It was bothering that I slipped every now and then. I pray about it because I had many friends that seem to have the same problems. The Lord showed me the president (before 2008), congress in the white house, TV, and some churches had poured this spirit out on the country at that time. It was breathed out on the body of Christ. The political hatred and racism over the country now is also a factor. The enemy has released it over the church. Unbiblical church positions caused hatred and division. The church lost it love for souls and the word. The word of God became a tool for justifying hatred and taking back the nation… Instead of winning souls.
It was also my season to deal with that sin. It was a sin I was quickly delivered from when I was saved. I was in the army then and was surrounded by profanity. I was instantly delivered when I came to Christ in 1981. In this season, it came back. I am saying I was not accountable for the sin, but it was in the air stronger than ever. I have friend that were of different political party, churches, and part of the country struggled also with cursing.
They spirit of profanity has started to pass in the last few years. It was spirit that just ran rapid across the country. There are a completely new set of spirits running rapid now. There is a strong spirit of hatred and racism that has taken root stronger in the country and churches. But I had an open door in my soul for this sin.
The demonic stronghold that effects my cursing had to be dealt with. The sin in my soul from anger had to be dealt with. I was angry at a whole hand full of things. I went to school during the civil right movement and had experience so much hatred as a child because of the color of my sin. It started with prayer and the word. I took myself to God in prayer. I release my angry also at the thing I had experience also that affect my life. I had to bind the spirit of profanity.
"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Matthew 18:18
I was angry inside. I had never dealt with some anger issues when I first was saved. But also the divisions of the church political view increased my anger. I had righteous anger at the injustice I saw when America experience a black president. The prayer against him and the racism were unbiblical and destructive. We are to pray for those who led us, no matter what race they are.
God knows the season to heal us. God took this time I had away from public ministry to heal me. I stepped back from church attendance among many other reasons to begin to deal with my anger, angry spirits, profanity, and the brokenness I held inside from injustice I had experience in my life as an artist, minister, and writer. My main source of anger was my disappointments with my career as an artist. The list was long. Daily, as I prayed to Jesus for help, I was delivered from that anger. The process of praying for myself, reading the word, and binding that spirit work together in being delivered. It took prayer. It took power! The Holy Spirit reminded me who I was in Christ.. I am new creation in Christ Jesus.
I was walking out my place in God’s kingdom as his child. I have been redeem. I needed to be reminded that I was already set free by the blood of the lamb! The real battle was knowing that I already had the victory. I realize that I just needed to walk out being in God’s kingdom. For many reasons in that season I have misplaces identity from the anger. Jesus kept reminding me that I was his no matter what. He kept reminding me that it had been settles at the cross and I need to stand on that. The anger went away! In this season, seek the Lord’s face to discern what season he has you in. God know how to heal you and when. You are an overcomer! Shout Hallelujah!