Being Broken
Brokenness for women is dealing with every day crisis, family, relationships, love and life can break your spirit.
The need for prayer to get through brokenness means dealing with many issues on several levels as led by the spirit of God. Brokenness can also come from sin in our life that begins to destroy your walk with God.
The unmet desire and the guilt from sin can cause you to feel brokenness. It is an inward desire for Holinesses that comes with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Holiness means “One with God”. That is established through our walk with Jesus Christ. Through salvation, we have received holiness. We are holy because He is Holy. Now walking that out is another issue when you are going through trials.
God allows us to make choices. We have to choice to be led by his Holy Spirit and led into holiness. This process of brokenness is being renewed in our minds with his word, prayer, relationship with Jesus Christ, and restoration in our walk with him. That feeling of dread and guilt after sin is a horrible feeling. Sometimes the sin is so pleasurable it may be hard to stop on your own. That is where prayer for help comes in. We must realize that we are already redeemed and have settled our salvation with God. No matter what you do, Jesus has already made a way for you to stand righteous in him. Pray for God to deliver you from sin… and keep praying! Bind the spirit attacking you! Use your arsenal.
Do not stop praying. Keep taking yourself to his throne for pray. Keep crying out to Jesus. Stand on the work He did on the cross. You are a new creation! I do not care if “Tyrone” or “Brandon” just crawled out of your bed...keep praying! Keep crying out, He will answer you and help you. Jesus has already made a way out for sin… stand in it! Yoke up with a friend in prayer! The beautiful thing about Jesus is that he can deliver in many ways, show you way out of sinning, removes the sin from you, remove you from the sin, and just out right take the desire out if you. We are saved by grace. His grace will forgive and deliver you as you receive what Jesus has done daily for you.
“And so the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trial and how to keep the wicked under punishment for the Day of Judgment…” 2 Peter 2:9
When I first got saved Jesus took some sins right out. Some sins I had to work through because I was under attack to keep sinning. Through his promise, the word, prayer, and pursuit of Jesus, I gained great revelations from God about his work in my life. I had to grow into understanding the kingdom I belong too. I learn to act like a citizen of heaven. I was made an instant citizen through Jesus Christ, but I had to be taught by the Teacher (Holy Spirit) what that looked like. It is like moving into a new city and learning the streets. I was able to witness to other from those revelations so they knew how he was compassionate and would bring them out. There where sins I struggle with the he just took the persons or desires away.
God is God all by himself. He can deliver any way he wants. He can come any way he wants to. By praying and asking him by faith, for his will, direction, and guidance, he can bring you out. I believe that is the ultimate goal no matter what. He desires to have you walking holy and his as child of God. If we can believe in his power, he can bring you out. However, we all affect each other. He can use us to help each other come forth in him with our gifts and call.
“As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" he asked. "I am Jesus, whom you persecute," the voice said. "But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do." The men who were traveling with Saul had stopped, not saying a word; they heard the voice but could not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but could not see a thing. So they took him by the hand and led him into Damascus. For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything. There was a believer in Damascus named Ananias. He had a vision, in which the Lord said to him, "Ananias!" "Here I am, Lord," he answered. The Lord said to him, "Get ready and go to Straight Street, and at the house of Judas ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying…” Acts 9:3-11
In Saul’s brokenness on the road to Damascus, it was used to reveal God’s power in his life. He was broken because of what he was doing to believers and to Jesus. He was against Jesus. He was a pottery vessel that had been persecuting believers. He was persecuting Jesus and his believers. He was blinded because of this. Jesus blinded him to open up his eyes in a new way. This was for the gospel to come forth in him. Jesus healed him though his servant. His servant received revelations from Jesus to pray for Saul to see again. Saul was praying. He had to pray to get this thing right! It is awesome how God blesses everyone in the situation when he is dealing with even one of his children. Saul saw Jesus, who was resurrected. Saul saw Jesus’ power move through his servant Ananias.
Saul first encounter with Jesus power was through the power that blinded him and the power that was use by his servant to heal him. Saul needed to see something greater than his will to persecute the church. He needed to see that he needed Jesus to help him.
He needed to see that power in the believers he was trying to persecute. Ananias saw how Jesus dealt with those against the church. He had the power to convert even their enemies to the work of the cross. Saul’s eyes were opened on all level through his brokenness: Spirit, soul, and body! His name was changed to Paul.
It is in the deliverance in our trials that God can use to help us all keeps growing in him. We can be each other’s answers in prayer. We can help each other become who God want us to be through our brokenness.
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